Training in this sense means to create access, to dissolve blockades, fears and patterns, to link to existing resources, to develop new skills or to link to existing ones in such a way that the targeted development of values works out of itself (i.e. without the person having to ask himself: ''What have I practiced, what is to be done now?'').
works and shapes in everyday life.
This is my central approach to sustainability.
From my experience, only what has been solved, detached, transformed, reshaped, recognized and become conscious inside people, generates from itself movements in the direction of value increase.
Systemic process work describes procedures that make it possible to include all dynamics relevant to the topic (goal, value) in the change.
An example of this is the fact that every goal has a disadvantage and every "problem" also has an advantage.
Each individual in turn is part of a larger whole. Thus, each individual is part of a family, a partnership, or an organization.
Every change must always lead to the well-being of the individual, but also to the strengthening of the system to which the individual belongs.
To work systemically means to keep in mind not only one part, but always the whole.
Thinking in terms of impact rather than linear cause and effect thinking is an essential part of systemic work.